Chiropractic Care for Wrist Pain
What is wrist pain?
There are two main types of wrist pain - ulnar and radial. The difference between these two depends on where the pain is located. Ulnar wrist pain is on the same side of your wrist as your ulna, which is one of the bones on the outer side of your forearm. Radial wrist pain is on the same side of your wrist as your radius, one of the bones on the inside of your forearm. General wrist pain is often described as a dull toothache type of feeling. However, carpal tunnel is more of a pines and needles type of feeling.
Why might you have wrist pain?
A lot of wrist pain can happen because of sudden injuries. These are commonly sprains and small fractures. A common way of causing wrist pain is to fall and catch yourself with your wrists, nerve injuries, and general overuse. However, there are also many long term injuries that cause wrist pain. A few common examples of this are stress, arthritis, and carpal tunnel.
How We Can Help With Your Wrist Pain
If you’re experiencing wrist pain, we begin by thoroughly assessing your wrist to determine the precise location and root cause of the discomfort. We evaluate your wrist's range of motion, strength, and reflexes to pinpoint where the pain is coming from. Based on this detailed assessment, we will create a personalized treatment plan aimed at relieving your wrist pain and restoring full function. Our approach may include manual therapy, strengthening exercises, and lifestyle adjustments to prevent future issues.
Start Your Recovery Today – Book Your Wrist Pain Treatment at Prolific Wellness
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